Fun Car Rally Entry Conditions.
All entry registrations must be made on line with payment by internet banking as per online entry form, no cash entry payments on the day.
Driver or Passengers agree taking part in this event is their own safety responsibility and enter at their own risks.
Blockhouse Bay Lynfield Lions take every care and issue guidelines for safety but accept no responsibility for drivers and passengers participating.
You will treat this as you would any proposed driving outing with family and friends, this is merely a facility to enjoy as a group.
DRIVER:- Will certify that they are licensed to drive the above motor vehicle, it is registered and has a current WOF.
The vehicle is insured for third party as a minimum.
Blockhouse Bay-Lynfield Lions Club will not be liable for any damage caused by adverse road conditions or risks due to road surfaces and terrain. As the Rally explores places sometimes less traveled, be aware some parts might be unsealed, owners must decide suitability of their vehicle.
All enter this Rally knowing that this is not a race or time trial, but a pleasant drive to see the delights of Auckland with friends, facilitated by the Blockhouse Bay-Lynfield Lions Club as a registered charity.
All will follow the Safety Instructions that may be given by the Lions, associates and any representatives at any phase of the Rally. The driver will obey all the Road Code rules and accept liability for damages, injury or traffic violations received by or passengers or done to third parties as a result of participation and agree that Blockhouse Bay-Lynfield Lions Club Inc and its members will be in no way liable. The driver agrees to take full responsibility for safety of themselves and passengers and enter this Rally entirely at their own risk. The driver certifies that no alcohol has been consumed by them within 12 hours prior and will not consume alcohol whilst driving in the Rally.
On arrival at the final destination and subsequent picnic gathering the participants will respect other participants with good behaviour and restrict any alcohol intake to legal limits and law of supply to others. Bearing in mind Health and Safety, there will be inherent risks at any venue, which entrants must assess. Lions will not be responsible for any actions you choose to do whilst at the picnic venue and surrounds. You and your fellow entrants, families and friends must exercise all normal precautions to ensure your safety and that of others. Lions jurisdiction ceases on Participants leaving the venue on completion to go elsewhere.
Driver/Entrant by applying for registration on line also swears that all passengers in their car/group agree to these conditions and is responsible should this not be true, and absolve Blockhouse Bay-Lynfield Lions Club Inc. and its members from any actions arising from failure to obtain agreements.
The Passengers therefore must be fully aware and also agree that Blockhouse Bay- Lynfield Lions Club Inc. and its members will be in no way liable for damages, injury or traffic violations issued or third parties as a result of their participation and they will accept/ agree as above to same conditions as the driver plus the Lions' guidance in safety and behaviour.
Photos and videos will be made of the event, so be aware that in agreeing to all these conditions, you and your passengers agree to Blockhouse Bay-Lynfield Lions Club using any of the photos and videos for reporting, promotion and public relations purposes in many media including but not exclusive to Facebook, WhatApp, Instagram, press and various web sites.
Sorry no dogs are permitted to accompany entrants in the Rally due to restrictions at some destinations and Health & Safety issues.
Remember although no Covid 19 restrictions at time of this printing, there are new strains arounds, please use common sense in mixing and mingling, food handling and close contact.
BE PREPARED: For security, safety and enjoyment here are some of the items suggested you bring: A full tank of petrol, Maps of Auckland and outer regions, pens, a fully charged mobile phone, (For contact base In case of emergency) first aid kit, sunblock, refreshment/water, clothing to suit forecast weather, swim suits & towels (just in case), rugs, folding chairs, BYO food and refreshments. As mentioned any activities eg swimming, climbing, walking, fishing etc., are at entirely entrants own risk.
RIDER: Should the event be postponed the entries will be transferred to the next suitable date and failing that if cancelled or unable to attend I agree that my pre-paid entry will be donated to the Blockhouse Bay - Lynfield Lions Club for the purpose of the charitable cause(s) the event is being organised to benefit.
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