The Lions' Family Fun Car Rally
is the way to go!
Discover the hidden treasures of Auckland and beyond
Sunday 16 March 2025, 9 am
Book now on form further down
Another great Mystery Family Fun Car Rally
is coming -get ready
Welcome to our 2025 adventure, 16 March 2025
Yet again we have come up with an exciting route, taking you through new territory, thru interesting parts of Auckland and beyond.
To the regulars:- You know we have always come up trumps with our Fun Rallies in the past - be it Wild Westie or Carfari, but for benefit of our new contacts and referrals, this year its using the basic name of "Lions Family Fun Car Rally 2025" so new prospective entrants know what to expect.
The original concept back in the ‘early naughties’ (2000+) was for a fun day out for Blockhouse Bay-Lynfield Lions members to enjoy some of the great beauty spots out West. Later as we co-founded the Blockhouse Bay Community Patrol to help combat rising vandalism and crime, we turned the rally into a public fundraiser to support the purchase of a vehicle and admin., it became the “Wild Westie Fun Car Rally”, heading to the top attractions out west.
In subsequent years we have burst out beyond the borders and ventured on routes North and South, showcasing the even more wonderful places that Auckland is fortunate to possess. The funds now raised go to many other Lions projects, we support local youth, child mobility, disaster relief, diabetes awareness and now investigating a community mini bus/van to serve needs of the ill and infirm who need transport.
But we have also developed a formula creating greater pleasure for young and old. Our team researches various routes in advance, seeking out landmarks and points of interest that are put together in a cryptic itinerary for the cars’ passengers to work out, seeking the answers to the clues and questions for each point in the journey. This adds excitement to the around 2.5 hours + or - drive, and a sense of achievement when finally arriving at the secret destination and picnic area. It is not a race, just pure driving pleasure with good company and social mixing at various points. Safe driving is the priority. OK, there is a bit of friendly competition when final points for correct answers are added up and balanced against nearest calibrated mileage to the judge's surveyed route. You might just get a bag of lollies.The big reward is great day out and the enjoyment of seeing places you perhaps did not know existed.
Of course there are fail safe procedures in place to “advise” those who stray off course.
Note:- Being mindful of inflation and tighter budgets, this year faced with increasing costs we have decided rather than put up the registration charge, we will have BYO refreshments/snack for the mid journey break stop.
But at the final destination the Lions will have an included sausage sizzle, for entrants to add to their own BYO lunch and refreshments. Enjoy your relaxing picnic with like minded families and friends and the opportunity to explore the areas around. There is always plenty to do if the choice is to stay, or else visit other attractions on the way home - sometimes a choice of routes.
Advise to bring along, swim gear, good walking shoes, outdoor clobber,
maybe fishing gear (you never know!) etc.
All proceeds are going to our Lions Clubs' Appeal for Community Needs
Per Person: $15 Children Under 12 with adult FREE
Below, a previous start to the day, entrant assemble.
Where will we go this time?
We have a brand new exciting itinerary and route quiz planned exploring some forgotten byways and with another great mystery destination.
Links to recent years videos here
BHBL Fun Car rally 2024
2023 Carfari (Car Rally 2023)
2022 Blockhouse Bay-Lynfield Lions Wild West Car Rally
Below are pics also of some of our previous rallies.
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